Zombie Paintball in Illinois


Take on the thrills and chills this Halloween Season at a local haunted attraction in Illinois! Whether you're in search of a Haunted Trail, Scream Park, Haunted Corn Maze, Zombie Hunt or good ol' Haunted House, there are endless options to assure thrill seekers can make the most out of the haunting season!

Undead Acres
Monee, IL

Narrow By City

  • Spider Hill
    Chillicothe, IL

    ALL HORRIFYING EVENTS Massacre Mansion "Within the confines of the Massacre Mansion you will experience dread such as you have never known. Around every corner lurk evil creatures whose only wi...
  • Undead Acres
    Monee, IL

    Test out your shooting skills by taking on some Zombie Paintball at Undead Acres, but only after practicing first in the Paintball Shooting Gallery!
  • Siegel's Cottonwood Farm Pumpkin Fest & Sniper Paintball Ride
    Lockport, IL

    Over 30 attractions included in your General Admission! Harvest your Family Memories on our 40 acres of "Affordable Fun on the Farm." Everyone 2 and under enters FREE and you can stay as long as you l...
Waterloo Sportsman's Club Haunted Trail & Hayride Waterloo, IL
Odyssey Fun Farm Tinley Park, IL

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